![]() Alpharetta, GA USA, May 4, 2001
The azaleas are blooming,
the grass is green, and the barn is full of horses. We've
planted our summer flower pots and hung out the ferns. We've got a
beautiful spring on our hands.
![]() Azaleas on trails in
farm staff are shuttling horses out to pasture and back, working around
the training schedule. The trick is to have the right horses in
the barn ready for training at the right times.
![]() Meredith Mack, Barn
Goddess Extraordinaire...
"Man is a creature of hope and invention,
both of which belie the idea that things
cannot be changed." - Tom
"The difference between ordinary and
extraordinary is that little extra." -
"It is our character that supports the
promise of our future - far more than
particular government programs or policies." - William J. Bennett
"Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of
strength." - Eric Hoffer
"It is better to listen to the rebuke of a
wise man than for one to listen to the song of a fool."
Ecclesiastes 7:5
"It takes courage to grow up and turn out
to be who you really are. To be nobody
but yourself--- in a world which is doing its best, night and day,
make you everybody else--- means to fight the hardest
battle which any human being can fight; and never stop
fighting." - e.e. cummings |
event: "Strides to the 2004
![]() Applewood Foundation
for Excellence in Dressage, Inc. strives to provide support to
high level competitors in the sport of dressage. A tax
exempt charitable Georgia corporation, the Foundation is the extension
of a number of supporters who would like to sponsor international competitors from this
region. For more information about Applewood Foundation contact AFED@applewood-farm.com.
Chastain Horse Park is a non-profit
therapeutic riding center where children and adults transform their
limitations into limitless possibilities when they partner with a horse.
A North American Riding for the Handicapped Association operating
center, Chastain Horse Park employs NARHA certified
instructors. For more information see www.chastainhorsepark.org.
A joint effort between these two
organizations, special preparations are underway to get ready for the "Strides to
the 2004 Olympics" riding exhibition on Saturday, May 12 at Chastain
Horse Park. The exhibition rides will start at 11:00 with an
Introductory Warm-up, Pas de Deux (paired riding), Michelle's
Musical Freestyle, Therapeutic riding demonstration, and then a picnic
lunch. Don't miss the show! Proceeds will benefit both
organizations. For details call Chastain Horse Park 404 252-4244
or info@applewood-farm.com.
![]() A long ride, Adjudant arrived from Fort Collins,
"Quarrels would not last
long if the fault was only on one side."
- François VI Duke (duc) de La Rochefoucauld
"Music washes from the soul the dust of everyday life." -
Berthold Auerbach
"Judge a man by his questions rather than
his answers." - Voltaire
"Man who say it cannot be done should
not interrupt man doing it." - Chinese
Proverb |
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